BreathHealing Release™️

Breathtaking Release™️

3 Month 1:1 Package

Brand New

Transformational Breakthrough

Coaching Method


Conscious Breathwork/

NLP/Time Line Therapy &

Energy Healing

Something needs to give...

  • You've been caught up in procrastination, and if you're honest you're beginning to resent your business

  • You've built a business that doesn't light you up.

  • You're feeling called to go in a different direction, and are afraid of the consequences

  • You don't want to be judged as a failure for pivoting

  • You're sick and tired of hustling every day and not getting anywhere

  • You want to experience success without sacrifice to your personal life, relationships or mental wellbeing

  • You want to feel alive and revitalised with a new version of yourself

  • You're ready for change NOW, not in a few years time.

  • Stress is beginning to take its toll on your physical and mental health.

"Anna's Breathwork Facilitation is Profoundly Life-Changing"

Fusing the breath with neuro-based modalities is staggering in its ability to shift you and your life.

Working with me for 3 months on Breathtaking Release™️ will be a period you will never forget.

There's no doubt in my mind that since I first encountered Breathwork, I have felt much more connected - to myself and my inner wisdom, to my sense of purpose in the world, and to my spiritual connection to a higher power.

I want to share with you the richness of this deep, intimate and life-changing practice, and how it can transform your limiting beliefs, reduce your stress levels and take your ability to release self-sabotaging blocks to the next level.

By connecting with your breath, you'll experience a feeling of freedom and abundance, and you'll be surprised at how expansive you begin to feel and behave. This is a deeply transformative and (potentially) spiritual process, as you take your consciousness to an altered state of being.

Are you ready for the most profound experience of your life?

"Powerful and deep in the most beautifully nourishing and integrated way"

Join Me for my

Brand New

Breathhealing Release™️

Transformational Coaching

The Personal


  • Bespoke Breathwork experiences

  • Guided integration and insights infused with Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Embedded Hypnotic Commands

  • Personalised to focus on the issues holding you back

  • Past Life focus and Time Line Therapy incorporated as appropriate

  • Energy Healing integral to the sessions - Reiki, EFT, ThetaHealing where required

  • Unlocking your potential as a business leader AND a whole and healthy individual

"A huge release of pressure"

Benedict Beaumont

"Anna created an extraordinary safe space for my Breathwork, and held me in some really deep and powerful emotions. If you need to process something then Anna will lead you in a nurturing way to release and let go. More people need to experience her Breathwork Facilitation - she is an exceptional facilitator. Breathe with her, you will not be disappointed."

"It's was like a REBIRTH - these sessions are enlightening'

How will BreathHealing Release™️ Method help my business?

As a busy entrepreneur, it is easy to get caught up in the noise, the pressure and the stress of running your own business.

From managing team, to the need to constantly be visible, to dealing with client complaints and legal issues, sometimes it is hard to know the next best step.

You find yourself self-sabotaging the income you know you are capable of, and are tired of the plateau you have reached.

It's time for more.

Your work isn't making you feel alive and purposeful any more.

Pressure is taking its toll on you physically and mentally - overwhelm,


How will BreathHealing Release™️ Method help my business?

exhaustion, unhappiness.

What you thought of as success doesn't feel like you imagined it would.

You're ready for a new way of living and being, a new version of success that is as far removed from hustle and burnout culture as possible.

Something has to change.

Trust me, breathwork, energy and subconscious work combined move what's holding you back unlike any other modalities you have tried.

It's powerful, personalised and profound.

You crave a real feeling of breakthrough and are ready to step into an authentic, free and expansive version of you.

This stuff has changed my life.

Let me help you to change yours.

"I  have never had such a powerful and transformational experience"

How you'll feel ...

  • Relief from Stress and Anxiety about your Business

  • Deep Release of Limiting Beliefs and the self-sabotaging effects of trauma

  • Sense of Spiritual Connection to Source Energy

  • An experience of deep healing on subconscious and physical levels

  • Empowered to take bigger and bolder business decisions

  • Ready to attract and retain more money

  • Renewed Confidence & Self- Trust in Your Inner Wisdom

  • Free, Expansive and able to access more Joy

  • The greatest sense of personal breakthrough you've ever had

"Deeply healing & wonderfully empowering"

Charis Santillie

"You know the saying of someone who talks the talk or walks the walk? In this case, Anna "breathes the breath." It's clear she's doing this deep work herself; and because of that, she was able to guide me through an expansive experience so that I could free myself of some emotional and physical burdens I'd been carrying. I felt a huge release of pressure, and I was able to intuitively receive some messages to help me shift some old, deep-rooted disempowering beliefs. Thank you, Anna."

The Breathtaking Release™️ Package:

  • 6 x 90 Minute BreathHealing Coaching Sessions via Zoom (value £4500)

  • Voice note coaching support from Anna over 3 months (value £3000)

  • Recordings of all your personalized breathwork audios (value £300)

  • 3 months access to the Influential Breathwork Portal - with over 50 powerful breathwork recordings, guided visualization and life-changing hypnosis audios (worth £2500)

  • Deep, Longlisting Release from Limiting Beliefs (priceless)

  • A profound exploration of the limitless, most free and joyful version of you (priceless)

"A powerful shift replacing old, stagnant, anxious thoughts with

new, confident, vibrant energy"

Charlotte Saunders

"What a transformational experience! Anna has removed a number of blocks and issues that I was dealing with - I was expecting some change but the pace and breadth of change has astounded me and I excited to see how this transformation is going to impact my businesses. I cannot recommend Anna highly enough - I will definitely be back for more when needed! "

Why Choose to Work with Anna?

I'm fascinated by the power of transformational modalities and I bring many of my skillsets and tools together to create a life-changing level of confidence and clarity that will empower you to develop the business of your dreams.

Here are a few of my credentials:

  • Advanced Breathwork Facilitator

  • Oxygen Advantage®️ Instructor

  • Master of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

  • Master of Hypnosis

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Master of Time Line Therapy

  • Award winning Business Coach & Entrepreneur

  • Certified ThetaHealer®️

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner

  • Reiki Practitioner

  • Meditation Teacher

  • Mindfulness Teacher

...the list goes on!

I've been an advocate for personal development for over 20 years and have worked actively in the coaching and entrepreneurial development space for the past 7 years.

As a successful business owner, speaker, top podcaster and bestselling author, I've masterminded and connected with the most incredible minds in the entrepreneurial space and have gained insight into the most common stumbling blocks for high achievers.

My Breathtaking Release™️ Method combines deep work with transformational knowledge to help you unlock your potential in a powerful and profound way.

"Really profound experience of something deep rooted from my past. "

Matt Perks

"A very uplifting experience and I loved that we had a focus for the session based on a current personal dilemma and she improvised around that wonderfully which unearthed some deep insights. She eased me in and out of the session in a powerful way and gave me space to process the insight, which was profound. Overall a fantastic experience."

Ali Knight

"The session was powerful and deep in the most beautifully nourishing and integrated way. Anna's clear guidance and safe space holding throughout allowed me to release old and stuck energies that have been limiting me for a long time. The whole experience was deeply healing and wonderfully empowering - thank you so much.’

Beth Hocking

"Anna’s warmth and wisdom called to me and I knew that I needed more of her spiritual type guidance and healing in my life at this particular moment.

Having started my business less than a year ago, I’d been wrestling with the change of identity and knowing I was meant for success, which wasn’t showing up in the way I’d expected it. Anna was really empathetic and completely understood when I shared, tailoring the session to exactly what I needed to break down the barriers I’d put in place through my stories and beliefs. The breathwork itself is incredibly powerful, I experienced a lot of relief and energy shifting right from the first moment. It’s a multi sensorial experience that washes over the body to bring the healing, forgiveness and self-compassion I knew I needed. I can’t thank Anna enough for daring to delve deeper into this work and sharing her gifts with me. "

Kirsty Knight

"I had the most wonderfully moving, powerful and enlightening breathwork session with Anna today. She was fantastic at putting me at ease as a part of me was unsure as to what to expect, and a little nervous as to whether or not it would impact me. . And I had some real shifts in clarity and understanding during the session. After today's session I am definitely onboard with it being a fabulous technique to make some real headway with. Thank you so much."

Sarah Cooke

"I was feeling a little bit stuck myself, I knew that I wanted to have more impact. But I knew something was holding me back. I had a few ideas as to what those areas might be. But what I wanted to do was to really delve into that clear those blocks that would enable me to upscale my business and really enabled me to have more impact and help support more women in the ways that I could do. So I came to Anna and her sessions were incredible, just amazing. Really enabled me to delve deep and clear some of those blocks and shift my mindset. That mix of mindset as well as business support and strategy is is incredible. If you are considering working with her, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her."

Nicole Posner

"Wow!! I was not expecting that! I wanted to try breathwork because I was curious. I didn't really know what to expect. In fact, if I'm honest, I was quite cynical about it but because I know Anna so well, I knew she wouldn't be so passionate about it unless it was powerful and she believed in it.

I was blown away!! There were things that have been buried for years that came up for me and I now understand clearly how and where they have been holding me back and why I behave the way I do in certain situations. The release came out in tears, which again, completely surprised me! With this new knowledge, I know it will make a difference to how I now show up.

Whether you are just curious like me, or want to shift something that has been frustrating you, I suggest you try a breathwork session with Anna because the results are quite unbelievable!"

Caroline Burns

"It was the deepest meditative experience I've ever had and I felt it within my body. I experienced something in my session that I'd never felt actual physical sensation in my body and a lighter feeling afterwards. It has given me insight on what has been holding me back which I can work on some more, and it's also opened up a new way for me being able to delve deeper into my blocks. I would definitely recommend Anna to anyone curious about what is holding them back"

Claire Robinson

"She takes no bullshit, she won’t let you get distracted by the ‘hang on’s’ and ‘yeah buts’… it’s a style of coaching and accountability I’m not used to but very much needed. She ‘held on to me’ to allow me to explore the deepest thoughts until they came up and I could answer the questions I’d quit answering before.

It’s fair to say my transformation is very much ongoing as I work through all the parts that we’re unravelling. But I know for sure that the space Anna held to make me really deeply ask myself what I wanted was absolutely the catalyst to these significant changes. Thank you Anna, I can’t wait to continue this over the coming months."

© Influential Vision Limited 2024. All rights reserved.